07885 100313 / mdebusiness2019@gmail.com


Delivering Consents

Cromwell Road, London

Regeneration Studies

Berwick Quayside


West Molesey

A Professional Service Built on Experience.

Town Planning Consultancy

I am an experienced planning professional and have worked across the UK on all types of town planning and development projects. I can bring the skills you need to lead complex planning projects to fruition, cut through red tape, and expedite planning permissions   


A professional approach whatever the size of project

Four Houses

This is a scheme for four new houses in Maidenhead designed to overcome issues relating to trees and ecology and situated on a site we have released from the Green Belt.

95 Houses

This is a site for ninety five affordable homes on a  former strategic employment site in Surrey.

Site Search

This is a site search project for an industrial concern looking at a drive time element to meet their property needs for 120 acres.


This is a study to find new uses for the vacant and neglected Quayside in Berwick upon Tweed.

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